13.00 - 13.35


Participants can register, collect their name badges, and familiarize themselves with the venue.

13.35 - 13.45

Welcome Address by Ms. Manuela Matz, Head of Economic Affairs, City of Mainz

Introduction to the economic landscape of Mainz and its potential for Indo-German collaborations.


Manuela Matz

13.45 - 13.55

Opening Address by BVMW

Discussing the role of BVMW in fostering Indo-German business relations and expectations from the summit.


Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg

13.55 - 14.05

Address by Consul General, B.S. Mubarak

Highlighting the importance of bilateral relations and avenues for cooperation.


B. S. Mubarak

14.05 - 14.15

Keynote Address by nasscom

Elaborating on the role of digital transformation in global trade and its implications for the Mittelstand.


Shivendra Singh

14:15 - 14:25

Excelencia - The Success Story of an Indian Mittelstand Company: Pioneering Global IT Solutions and Nurturing Innovation

Balakrishnan Ranganathan, the Chairman and Managing Director of Excelencia Consulting, will present a keynote at the Indo-German Mittelstand Business Summit, sharing the remarkable journey of Excelencia. Founded in 2005, Excelencia has become a pioneering US-based IT solutions provider, with a significant presence in the USA, UK, Canada, and India, serving a global clientele.


Balakrishnan Ranganathan

14.25 - 14:55

Case Study by Hexaware

Hexaware, a long-standing successful player in the German market, will be represented by Alexander Müller, a renowned outsourcing expert. He will provide insights into how German-Indian projects can contribute to advancing transformative initiatives. Drawing on Hexaware's extensive experience, Müller will discuss strategies and best practices for leveraging Indo-German collaborations to drive significant transformation in projects.


Alexander Müller

14.55 - 15.05

Coffee Break and Networking

An opportunity for attendees to interact and exchange contacts.

15.05 – 15.45

Interactive Session - The Road Ahead: Technology Trends Shaping Business in India and Germany

In an era of global technological transformation, India and Germany are leading the charge, embracing
emerging tech, robotics, automation, and sustainability solutions. This session highlights the profound
impact of these trends on business in both nations and the collaborative opportunities they present. As Indian dynamism meets German precision, their convergence promises a more interconnected and
innovative future.


Asha-Maria Sharma


Alexander Müller


Suvish Viswanathan


Pascal Köth

15.45 - 15.55

Growth Opportunities for Indian companies in the German market

Opportunities for Indian Companies in the German Market
Insights on market entry strategies and potential sectors for collaboration.


Madhav Mukund

15.55 – 16.25

Decoding ERP Solutions

The Path to Your Business's Ideal Fit with Industry Experts
Discussion on selecting the right ERP solutions for business, followed by a Q&A session.


Axel Angeli


Pascal Köth


Ashant Chalasani

16:25 - 16:55

Panel Discussion

Overcoming Cultural and Business Barriers in German Indian Collaboration
Interactive panel discussion on understanding and navigating cultural and business nuances in collaborations.


Manoj Barve


Prasad Chaudhari


Neena Hartmann


Daniel Raja

16.55 – 17.10

Coffee Break

17.10 - 18.00

Introducing the nasscom Business Delegation to Germany

The Nasscom Business Delegation to Germany, comprises 18 member companies ranging from large enterprises to SMEs. These innovative tech companies aim to enhance bilateral collaboration in the digital transformation space and position the Indian IT industry as a valuable partner in Germany's digital transformation journey.

18:00 - 18:15

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgements by Consul, Vinod Kumar

Summarizing the day’s discussions and expressing gratitude towards speakers, sponsors, and attendees.

18.15 -18.30

Bollywood Special Dance by Frankfurt Indian Scholars Association e.V

FISA is a vibrant group with the focus on promoting student welfare as well as showcasing Indian culture by organizing different activities. They have been actively involved in making the Indian community come closer and encourage the indian diaspora actively engage.

18:30 – 20.00

Networking Dinner

An opportunity to continue discussions over dinner, supported by RLP International and the Ministry for Economy, Transport, Agriculture, and Viticulture in Rheinland-Pfalz.
A casual setting for attendees to reflect on the day’s events and foster potential collaborations over dinner.

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